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Create and manage Explore Workplaces

1. Where to start?

  • Go to the Passerelle XR Platform.


Make sure you have the Designer role. You can change roles by clicking on them and switch to another one in the list.

  • As a Designer you immediately get the option to ‘Create a Workplace’ as seen in your Dashboard. When you press it, you’ll need to give some information.

  • Give a clear title to your workplace.
  • Make sure you are the owner of the workplace.
  • Select an environment you want to use as an empty space.
  • You can give a description of your workplace. For example: “This Workplace we use at external events.”
  • Add other members of your organization if they should be able to edit the workplace as well.

2. How to add images, objects... to my Workplace?

When the Workplace exists on the XR Platform, we can fill it with different kinds of data like images, banners, objects... You will later be able to place all this in VR when designing your explore environment.

  • Go to the XR Platform


Make sure you have the Designer role. You can change roles by clicking on them and switch to another one in the list.

  • Select your workplace in the ‘Workplaces’ menu.
  • Here you’ll see the details you added during the creation.
  • Switch to the files tab and use the upload button to add files. -The kinds of data you can add:
    • Video (flat and 360) (mp4)
    • Image (flat and 360) (jpg,png)
    • Pdf
    • 3D (fbx)
  • The files will start processing. Wait until they’re ready before you start designing you explore workplace.


  • Videos that are long or big in file size take a while to process. Try to keep the file size small or under 5 minutes.
  • We do not currently support PowerPoint native files. You can first export them as a PDF and upload them as such.

3. How do I start designing the Workplace in VR?


Make sure you have the Designer role.

When you created a Workplace and added data on the XR Platform, you can put on the VR headset and start designing in VR.

  • Open the Explore app. You can find the app in the app library of your Pico headset or in 'Unknown sources on Meta headsets'
    • If there is no Explore on your device, you can download it from
      • Supportsquare app manager
      • XR Installer
      • 'Devices' on the XR Platform (mdm)
    • If there is no app manager on the device, use the Installer to setup your device first.

  • Press ‘log in with credentials’ to log in with your XR platform account.
  • Select the Workplace in the side panel you want to edit.

4. How does designing Workplaces work in VR?


Make sure you have the Designer role.

You have entered the Explore Workplace. To summon the designer menu, turn your left hand towards you, press the time button and press the box icon. Use your other hand to press the buttons. Here you’ll find all options to change your workplace.

You can choose between placeables (pedestals, tables, video screens, etc.), portals (360° videos, pictures or 3D environments) and settings (change colours of the room, outside environment, etc.)

Selecting and moving objects

  • Use the pointer and the trigger button to ‘select’ a placeable (object) you want to change. Every placeable that can be modified has a floating blue ball attached to it that can be selected.

  • A gizmo will appear.

    • Select the inner circle to move the object around.
    • Select the middle circle to rotate the object.



There are three main options for pedestals (small, medium and other). These are placeables that can hold your 3D-objects. Every option has different variables.

The menu’s options when you have selected a pedestal placeable:

  • Display model: Use this button to select an item to visualize on top of the pedestal.
  • Release position:  The item will return to his original position when a user releases it from his grip.
  • Is Interactable: When this toggle is active you can grab the item from the pedestal. If disabled, the users won’t be able to interact with this item.
  • Use Transparency: When this is active, the item will use transparency if it’s available in his materials. If disabled, we force it to not show any transparency.


There are two different options to place your banners. A small narrow banner or a wider variant.

The menu’s options when you have selected a banner placeable:

  • Banner Texture: Use this button to select an image to visualize on the banner.
  • Title: Some variants can show a title text.

Info Boards

Next to videos, pedestals, portals, etc. you can place info boards to give extra information.

You can choose an alignment of a floating info board (left, middle, right) or a small screen attached to a pedestal.

The menu’s options when you have selected an infoboard placeable:

  • Title: Main title text will be show in the blue top bar.
  • Information: This is a text field to show a description on the infoboard.
  • Information Video: When a video is selected It will take over the whole screen. The information text will not be shown.
  • Lookat User: When this toggle is selected the floating panel will always face the user.

Video screens

There are three options for video screens: a video on a wall, a standalone video screen or a small video on a pedestal.

The menu’s options when you have selected a video screen placeable:

  • Title: Some variants can show a title text.
  • Media: Use this button to select images, videos and pdf to add to the video screen.
  • Autoplay: When this toggle is active the list of media will play as a list one by one and loop.

Web browsers

If you want to put web browsers in your workplace to show different websites, you can do so with two options: a floating screen or a screen attached to a pedestal.

The menu’s options when you have selected a video screen placeable:

  • Web browser Data: Use this button to select a Web browser Txt data file. This is a text file uploaded that contains the homepage and bookmarks if there are any.
  • Show Icons: When this toggle is selected it will show the favicons next to the bookmarks if available.
  • Can Edit Url: When this toggle is selected you can change the url link of the browser. Anyone can then type any domain in as they want.

To create a Web browser Data text file, you need to follow this layout:


There two different kinds of portals you can make:

  • A portal to a 360° picture or video: people can jump around in this space to look at this picture all around them. For this you can use spheres on pedestals or a big free-floating sphere. Use the ‘360 media’ button to select your picture.

  • A portal to a 3D scene: this is a 3D environment. For this you can use spheres on a pedestal. Use the ‘floorscene’ button to select the scene.

How do I change the main Explore hub of my organization?

The main hub is the default Workplace all users can enter in VR from the elevator.

  • Go to the XR Platform


Make sure you have the Administrator role. You can change roles by clicking on them and switch to another one in the list.

  • Go to ‘Organizations’ and select the organization where you’d like to change the default workplace.
  • Click on ‘Default workplace’ and change it to the one you need.